
Conversation with Jim Martin, Co-CEO of Cocrystal Pharma

Innovative Approaches to Antiviral Drug Development

EXECUTIVE INTERVIEW - Cocrystal Pharma: Utilizing Structure-Based Technologies to Provide First- & Best-In-Class Antiviral Drugs to Address Critically Unmet Medical Needs

Cocrystal Pharma Discusses Antiviral Therapeutics, Clinical Development and 2024 Value Catalysts in CEO Video Interview

COCP - Jim Martin Interview

Novel Antiviral Drug Shows Promise Treating Norovirus with Dr. Sam Lee Cocrystal Pharma

Novel Antiviral Drug Shows Promise Treating Norovirus with Dr. Sam Lee Cocrystal Pharma TRANSCRIPT

Jim Martin, Co-CEO & CFO Of Cocrystal Pharma Is Fighting The FLU, C-19, & Other Diseases

Seattle company founded by Nobel Prize winner plans human tests for experimental COVID-19 drug

Cocrystal Pharma Picks Novel Oral Protease Inhibitor CDI-988 As Norovirus Lead

Cross-Spectrum Anti-Viral Compounds Needed for Seasonal and Pandemic Infections with Sam Lee Cocrystal Pharma on Empowered Patient with Karen Jagoda

Cross-Spectrum Anti-Viral Compounds Needed for Seasonal and Pandemic Infections with Sam Lee Cocrystal Pharma on Empowered Patient with Karen Jagoda TRANSCRIPT

The Big Biz Show

Cocrystal Pharma Discusses Clinical Progress and Significance of Its Novel Antiviral Therapeutics Pipeline with The Stock Day Podcast

Cocrystal Pharma Partners With hVIVO in New Antiviral Flu Treatment Phase 2 Trial
IDSE Infectious Disease Special Edition
Cocrystal Antiviral Flu Candidate Shows Potential for Once-Daily Treatment in Phase 1 Trial
IDSE Infectious Disease Special Edition
Life Science Leader
CoCrystal's Co-Ceos

Cocrystal, NIAID expand partnership for Covid-19 protease inhibitors Pharmaceutical Technology

Empowered Patient Podcast with Karen Jagoda
Drug Development Platform Creating Novel Antiviral Therapeutics for Pandemics and Seasonal Influenza with Sam Lee and Jim Martin Cocrystal Pharma
Cocrystal Pharma advancing programs in high-value antiviral drug targets
Cocrystal’s Proprietary Technologies in Antiviral Therapeutics to Combat COVID-19

C-Suite Interview with Cocrystal Pharma (COCP) Interim Co-CEOs Sam Lee, President & James Martin, CFO

Nasdaq Facebook Live Interview

Nasdaq Bell Ringing Ceremony

Cocrystal Overview